The contest has ended.
Congratulations to our winners!

{{ daysLeft.pad(2) }}



{{ hoursLeft.pad(2) }}



{{ minutesLeft.pad(2) }}



{{ secondsLeft.pad(2) }}


Time Remaining
Starts In


Top 1

{{ firstStreamerTierOne.username }}

{{ new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format( }}

Top 2

{{ secondStreamerTierOne.username }}

{{ new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format( }}

Top 3

{{ thirdStreamerTierOne.username }}

{{ new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format( }}

{{ index + 4 }}.

{{ streamer.username }}

{{ new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format( }}

{{ copy }}


Top 1

{{ firstStreamerTierTwo.username }}

{{ new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format( }}

Top 2

{{ secondStreamerTierTwo.username }}

{{ new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format( }}

Top 3

{{ thirdStreamerTierTwo.username }}

{{ new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format( }}

{{ index + 4 }}.

{{ streamer.username }}

{{ new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format( }}

{{ copy }}

Top 1

{{ firstGifter.username }}

{{ new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(firstGifter.coins) }}

Top 2

{{ secondGifter.username }}

{{ new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(secondGifter.coins) }}

Top 3

{{ thirdGifter.username }}

{{ new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(thirdGifter.coins) }}

{{ index + 4 }}.

{{ streamer.username }}

{{ new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US').format(streamer.coins) }}

{{ copy }}

Intro to PK

Catch Sugar Baby streamers battling out in a special PK LIVE EVENT. Tune in as they tease for the Diamonds & get closer to win the Event Prizes. May the hottest Sugar Baby win!

PK Timeline

PK element is added to this LIVE competition to add more excitement for Sugar Babies & Sugar Daddies!

Round 1

  • Supporters are able to pick or help the streamers they want to be in the PK by sending them Diamonds.
  • There will be two Checkpoints (Wednesday & Sunday by 11:59 am).
  • The Top 4 streamers on the Daily Leaderboard from Wednesday’s Checkpoint 1 will go for PK battles on Thursday (16th March, 9:30 pm & 10:30 pm)
  • Another top 4 streamers on the Daily Leaderboard from Sunday’s Checkpoint 2 will go for PK battles on Monday (20th March, 9:30 pm & 10:30 pm)
  • The 2 winners from Thursday’s PK are not eligible for Monday’s PK.
  • To be eligible, a streamer must achieve a minimum of 3,000 Diamonds. Sugar Daddies & Sugar Babies can help to support the favourite streamer to be the Top 4 & qualify for the PK.

Round 2

  • This round will be a team play.
  • Winners from Checkpoint 1 and Checkpoint 2 will pair up as a team to battle against each other.

Final Round

  • The winning team will advance to the FINAL ROUND where they will battle each other individually.

To follow more live and instant updates please follow us on Telegram: Sugarbook Live Streamers & Sugarbook VIP

Themes / Punishments

  • ROUND 1
    16 Mar & 20 Mar 2023
    • Theme: Eat Cake
      (with hands tied behind)
    • Punishment: Write/Draw Daddies’ Request on Body
  • ROUND 2 (Team Play)
    22 Mar 2023
    • Theme: Planking (for 3 minutes)
    • Punishment: Push up (5 times)
    23 Mar 2023
    • Theme: Sexy Dance
    • Punishment: Twerk (1 min)

How It Works

  • Streamers prepare their live streams according to respective themes.
  • 2 streamers will go LIVE & compete in the PK battle on their respective streams.
  • The allocated times are as follows:
    • 5 minutes to get ready & invite supporters
    • 5 minutes to battle
    • 5 minutes for punishment
    (Streamers are recommended to stream 30 minutes before PK start time to hype up, pull in the crowd, set up, etc.)
  • PK battle consists of 2 rounds. If the streamers are tied, a tiebreaker round will be used.
  • Streamers don’t have to end their live streams. The stream will continue between rounds.
  • Admins will be in each stream to start and stop time, to calculate and announce the winner for each round.
  • Gifts received before and after the allocated 5 minutes will not be counted.
  • The streamer with 2 PK battle victories will move on to the next round.
  • In the event that a Streamer is unable to join at the last minute or withdraw, Sugarbook reserves the right to modify the game format or request a replacement Streamer.
  • The Streamer will face a penalty for pulling out or withdrawing from the event. Sugarbook solely decides the penalty jurisdiction.

PK Diamonds

Only Diamonds received during LIVE PK session (5 mins) are counted for this event.

Tip: Get Daddies to send you Gifts so you can emerge Top Streamer!



Bunny Night 1

日期/時間: Sunday 19 Mar, 20:00 to 23:59 (GMT+8)

主題: Sexy Bunny

獎勵: 最佳穿著直播主將獲得 1,000 鑽石!

獎勵: 最佳演出直播主將獲得 +1,000 鑽石!

Everyone loves cute & fluffy bunnies, so what better way to spend your night shaking your little tail for Daddies?

  • Dress up in your sexy Bunny attire and show your Daddies a hoppin’ good time!
  • 需穿這套服裝至少直播2小時,不可更換!
  • 提交你在活動之夜的參與截圖以獲取 300 Diamonds。
  • 透過Telegram 聯絡我們@SBPRTEAM取得上傳截圖的Google 雲端硬碟連結。

注意:Sugarbook 得自行決定對於免費鑽石分配隨時進行變動。



Bunny Night 2

日期/時間: Sunday 26 Mar, 20:00 to 23:59 (GMT+8)

主題: Sexy Bunny

獎勵: 最佳穿著直播主將獲得 1,000 鑽石!

獎勵: 最佳演出直播主將獲得 +1,000 鑽石!

Bunny ears, sexy lingerie and a fluffy tail! Seduce your Sugar Daddies for the Diamonds with sexy Bunny experience!

參加以獲得 免費 +300 鑽石:

  • Slip into your sexy Bunny outfit and tease your Daddies into having a naughty little playtime.
  • 需穿這套服裝至少直播2小時,不可更換!
  • 提交你在活動之夜的參與截圖以獲取 300 Diamonds。
  • 透過Telegram 聯絡我們@SBPRTEAM取得上傳截圖的Google 雲端硬碟連結。

注意:Sugarbook 得自行決定對於免費鑽石分配隨時進行變動。



{{ gift.title }}

{{ gift.subtitle }}




成為第一名直播主,只要收到最多的 活動禮物!

  1. {{ tiers.description }}
  2. Streamers must achieve a minimum of 30,000 Diamonds to be eligible to qualify for the Top 10 Prizes.
  3. 除獲獎外,排名前3的直播主還會在個人檔案中獲得一個特殊徽章。
  4. 透過參賽,直播主同意與Sugarbook 合作製作任何形式的內容行銷。

注意: 只有活動禮物才能提高在活動排行榜中的排名。


比賽結束後,第1階活動排行榜上排名前10的直播主,將獲得以下活動獎品 + 特殊徽章:

第1名 LV Speedy 25 Handbag +   +
第2名 USD200 +   +
第3名 USD70 +   +
第4~10名 1000 鑽石 +

直播主評估結束 {{ overallEndDate }} (GMT+8)。

注意: 前10名徽章有效期限為30天。


成為第一名直播主,只要收到最多的 活動禮物!

  1. {{ tiers.description }}
  2. Streamers must achieve a minimum of 5,000 Diamonds to be eligible to qualify for the Top 10 Prizes.
  3. 除了獲獎外,第2階的前10名直播主還會在個人檔案中獲得一個特殊徽章。
  4. 透過參賽,直播主同意與Sugarbook 合作製作任何形式的內容行銷。

注意: 只有活動禮物才能提高在活動排行榜中的排名。


比賽結束後,第2階活動排行榜上排名前10的直播主,將獲得以下活動獎品 + 特殊徽章:

第1名 LV Iconic Blush Necklace +
第2名 1500 鑽石 +
第3名 1000 鑽石 +
第4~10名 500 鑽石 +

直播主評估結束s {{ overallEndDate }} (GMT+8)。

注意: 前10名徽章有效期限為30天。



注意: 只有活動禮物才能提高直播主和打賞者在活動排行榜中的排名。


比賽結束後,活動排行榜上的打賞王將獲得加倍金幣 + 特殊徽章:

第1名 15,000 coins + +
第2名 12,000 coins + +
第3名 9,000 coins + +
第4名 6,000 coins
第5名 3,000 coins

透過Telegram 聯絡我們: @SBPRTEAM or @feerafromsugarbook.

或者,您可以來信到 [email protected].


  • 所有註冊Sugarbook 的女性會員(所有國家)都有資格參加本次比賽。
  • 直播時間越長越好,並從甜心爹地得到更多的活動禮物。
  • 僅比賽期間提供的活動禮品才會計入活動排行榜。
  • 活動所有時間一般禮物中的鑽石將保留,並仍可換成現金獎勵。活動禮品中的活動鑽石將從 {{ overallStartDate }} (GMT+8)。
  • {{ tiers.description }}
  • 直播主需至少達到 {{ }} 鑽石有資格獲得 {{ tiers.rank }}
  • 活動排行榜將每天自動更新。


  • 本活動僅對Sugarbook 的女性會員開放(所有國家)。
  • 過去送出的活動禮物 {{ overallStartDate }} 然後 {{ overallEndDate }} (GMT+8) 將不計入活動排行榜。
  • 如果有兩名以上直播主獲得相同的活動鑽石分,則以完成時間最早的直播主得以繼續。
  • 獲獎者需於收到電子郵件後24小時內回覆團隊。如果未收到回應,將視同放棄得獎資格並 贈與下一位獲獎者。
  • {{ tiers.customRulesDescription }}
  • {{ tiers.customRulesDescription2 }}
  • {{ tiers.customRulesDescription3 }}
  • 所有活動獎金依各地區所得稅法的規定進行處理。獎金金額將列入獲獎者的個人年度收入,並須依法申報。
  • Sugarbook 不允許活動獎品的任何非法交易。如果發生此類事件,Sugarbook 有權取消獲獎者資格,並保留採取法律行動的權利。
  • 本活動由Sugarbook 獨家主辦和贊助。Sugarbook 保留最終決定權,並保有調整或修改活動規則的權利。